ABOUT 2015 2014 2012-13 2011 2010 2009



In India, recycling concept is still new in many cities, villages, and in schools. Most recent studies show that plastic pollution is one of major concern in Indian villages. People usually throw the plastic bottles to road side and mostly people are not aware of plastics how does it impact to the environment and to the animals. Because the plastic is cheap it gets discarded easily and its persistence in the environment can do great harm. Plastic thrown on land can enter into drainage lines and chokes them resulting into floods in local areas in cities. It was claimed in one of the programs on TV Channel that eating plastic bags results in death of 100 cattle per day in U.P. in India. In stomach of one dead cow, as much as 35 kg of plastic was found. Because plastic does not decompose, and requires high energy ultra-violet light to break down, the amount of plastic waste in our oceans is steadily increasing.

CRC started an initiative (ADOPT-A-SCHOOL program) to raise recycling awareness and to run some small recycling projects in CRC adopted schools in India. As part of this program we collect donations from donors and we will sponsor initial funding (Approx. $250 to $500) to start a knowledge center /language library in each adopted school. School management will allocate a room to display different languages laminated sheets, categories including- recycling options, science, language, history, math materials etc , book storage shelves, tables, and chairs. School team will collect donations locally to enhance the knowledge center with new material for display. Each school will encourage students to start small recycling projects in their school to support “Reduce Reuse, and Recycle” and spread the recycling awareness in near villages. Students will learn the many uses we have for our natural resources and why we need to be conscious of what we throw away.

We believe recycling plays an important role in improving the quality of life in our communities and securing our children’s future. We would like to expand this program to many schools and villages to raise the recycling awareness with donors help.

Criteria For School Selection

EPA Suggested Recycling projects for Schools

Please Support Us!

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You are going to make a big difference in many children lives. Your donation($5/$10/$25/$50/$100/$200) will help us to support an another school this year.

Adopt a School
Donate by Check:

Please write a check to the "Community Recycling Campaign", 7790 Gateway Ln, Powell, Ohio, 43065-7766

Designate a School

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Project Impact & News:

0. 2015 CRC Ohio Invitational Science Fair on 02-21-2015 .

1. Since 2008, CRC project collected more than 50,000lbs of eWaste (Computers, Monitors, Printers, Scanners, TVs, and thousand pounds of computer peripheral items) and safely redirected for proper recycling.

2. Donated refurbished items to Nationwide Children's Hospital, Habitat for Humanity, and more than 1500 recycled bags of clothes to PlanetAid foundation. Shipped 235 boxes of Indian clothes to flood affected areas in AP, India with help of local organizations and www.natsworld.org in 2009.

3. Total Adopted Schools since 2009: 50 > 2009 -13 Elementary/High schools, 2010- 8 High Schools, 2011- 6 High Schools, 2012-13- 13 High Schools, 2014- 13 High Schools..

4. CRC fund-raised for other charities: (Central Ohio Hemophilia Foundation, UNICEF)

5. Community Recycling Campaign project selected for the 2011 Volvo Adventure- The United Nations Environmental Programme Project Read more details (Select Country-United States, select project 6)

6. Community Recycling Campaign project selected for the 2011 Prudential Spirit State Finalist Read more

7. Community Recycling Campaign project details on the Junior Scholastic, National Magazine, April 2011 Issue Read more

8. Can you help save the earth? Meet five young people who saw problems--and set out to fix them.(Brennan Bird, Jonny Cohen, Diana Lopez, Sachin Rudraraju and Freya Chay Read more

9. A Davidson Young Scholar Making a Difference, In the Spotlight Read more

10. Community Recycling Campaign project selected for the 2008 Davidson Young Scholar Ambassador Program- Read more

11. TechColumbus Innovation Awards Semi-Finalist (2010, 2011) - for Green Innovation and Non-Profit Service Read more

12. Story published in the Columbus Monthly Magazine -2012 Issue

13. E-Waste: Dark Side of Digital Age >> These days, it's often cheaper and more convenient to buy a new PC than to upgrade an old one. But what happens to those old computers once they've been abandoned for newer models? The refuse from discarded electronics products, also known as e-waste, often ends up in landfills or incinerators instead of being recycled. And that means toxic substances like lead, cadmium and mercury that are commonly used in these products can contaminate the land, water and air.

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